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Monday, July 14, 2014

Great Bible Resources for Kids!

I've been reading the Bible (kid versions) to my girls for a few years now and they seem to be understanding it however I thought that I would explore different ways of teaching scripture because I have a kinaesthetic learner. I happened upon a Bible on DVD for kids called DVD Read and Share Bible (over 3 hours/52 Bible Stories - From Genesis to Revelation). I LOVE IT! My kids ask if they can watch the Jesus stories every morning! They are remembering the stories so easily and are referring to them in their daily play. I am extremely grateful for this and so I looked into any other resources that they may have. I found The Jesus Movie which is the birth, life and death of Jesus altogether in a chronological timeline. I also purchased a Read and Share devotional for my girls. It is when we read this together before bed that I am astounded at how much they are really taking in from watching the DVD series. I highly recommend these to anyone trying to teach their children the word of God. I love to sit and watch it with them as well! I purchased these from Amazon for decent prices :-)

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Creative Teachings

I've been meaning to start this one for a while but of course with it being summer weather and us not being on a formal schedule until September it only happened today. I had stumbled on a blog where the mother covers the Bible in a year with her kids... I had only read the first entry but was instantly impressed and ready to try it.

Here's the blog:

The idea is starting with Genesis and the Creation story. Read it out loud with your kids and then have them draw pictures of what God created on each day. I'm hoping that this will have been a good way to help the message stick with my visual daughter... We'll review it tomorrow and maybe even the next day...  Anyhow, I just thought I'd share this mothers blog in case you want to get some ideas from her.

Here are some pics of the kids doing the exercise after a dip in the pool :-)

Your Child's Learning Style... (from Wiki)

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Edited by Jazzymomintx, OhioMike, Sondra C, Lillian May and 13 others
The key to effectively teaching your child is understanding the way he or she receives and processes information. Here are the steps to identifying and teaching to your child's learning style.


  1. Choose a Gift for a Birthday Party Step 1.jpg
    Understand the three main learning styles or modalities.
    • Auditory Learners learn by talking or listening.
    • Visual Learners learn by seeing video or images.
    • Kinesthetic/Tactile Learners learn by doing in practical.
  2. Buy Creative Gifts for Your Teenage Friends Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Observe your child.
    • How does your child express himself? Visual learners may express themselves through facial expression. Auditory learners may express themselves through their words. Kinesthetic learners may express themselves through their body language.
    • What are his or her interests? Visual learners are typically interested in videos and images. Auditory learners may enjoy sound and music. Kinesthetic learners are generally interested in physical activities.
    • How does your child solve problems? Visual learners may use their eyes to find solutions to a particular problems. Auditory learners may want to discuss the possible solutions. Kinesthetic learners will find a solution using their hands.
  3. Overcome Your Child's Learning Difficulties Step 5.jpg
    Look over various home schooling methods and programs to find a homeschooling curriculum that caters to your child's strengths. Visual and auditory learners tend to do well with traditional programs. Kinesthetic learners may need something more hands on, such as a unit study or Montessori program.
  4. Overcome Your Child's Learning Difficulties Step 6.jpg
    When teaching, use your child's strengths to compensate for areas of their weaknesses.
    • Auditory learners thrive on reading aloud, conversation, music, and oral drill.
    • Visual learners thrive on reading, writing, and making charts, graphs, and diagrams.
    • Kinesthetic/Tactile learners thrive on touch, large or small muscle movement, and hands-on projects.
  5. Stimulate Children's Self Confidence Step 5.jpg
    Teach your child how to study in a way that makes the most of his or her dominant learning style.
  6. Stimulate Children's Self Confidence Step 4.jpg
    Find ways to help your child develop skills in his or her weaker learning modalities.

Add your own method


Secondary students talk about what methods of teaching have the most positive effect on their learning.
The responses are a valuable insight into your students' thoughts.


  • Become familiar with various homeschooling methods so you can find one that best fits your child.
  • A close watch on the child's activities would help you.


  • Be careful not to pigeon hole your child or use learning styles as an excuse for poor academic performance.

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Recent edits by: HipsterLink, Teresa, Chinarabbit
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